Victorian fog

June 8th, 2014 by

When I head north the first couple hours of my drive are through the north-east region of Victoria and I’ve always wanted to shoot some of the landscapes along the way. Being the start of winter I knew there was a good chance of early morning fog so I made the venture in hopes to catch such fog. Mother nature was on my side and I scored some treats along the way, hope you enjoy…


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Mt Dandenong

May 29th, 2014 by

I got up early with my girlfriend and headed up to Mt Dandenong in Victoria and trekked around a few paths within the RJ Hamer Arboretum and these are my favourite shots from the journey.


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Sunsets and Golden Hour

May 7th, 2014 by

Everyone loves shooting a golden hour shot even just on your IPhone. I am a sucker for them and have collected quite a few shots over the years. Here are a few of my favourites…

Huntington Beach – California

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Video – Jack Kelly – Month in California

May 7th, 2014 by

When Jack tagged along for the trip to California it was a last minute trip for him as he basically came because he wouldn’t have many people to ride with if he stayed at home so he booked a ticket and proceeded to destroy every spot we hit. Thanks to Chris Bracamonte, Tyler Fufii and Daniel Johnson for filming some of the 2nd angles…

Shot with a Panasonic HPX-170 (long lens footage) and a Canon 7D (Fisheye footage)

The middle of nowhere

May 1st, 2014 by

I spend quite a bit of time on the road and for years I would see some crazy letter boxes out on the country back roads. It was almost as if people compete for the best letterbox. Over the past year or 2 I actually stopped at some of my favourites and shot them…


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The Yarra Valley

March 6th, 2014 by

I live about 30 minutes from the Yarra Valley but I drive through it quite often when heading north on a trip. I’ve always wanted to head down for a couple hours and just shoot the surroundings so on christmas eve of 2013 my girlfriend and I hit it up during golden hour and this is what I came back with. I really only scratched the surface of what there is to shoot so more adventures are needed.


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From the back seat

February 20th, 2014 by

I love shooting photos from a moving car, it’s not often I am a passenger in a car but when I am and it’s in a new city I will try make the most of it. A few months back on a trip around California I drove around the city with my friend Chris Bracamonte and shot these random photos heading to different spots we were riding.

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