
Video – Jack Kelly

February 11th, 2014 by

This video is from the first half of 2013. It was Jack’s first full length Colony BMX video and he went is so hard for it. We are not far off finishing filming for his next video so keep an eye out for that.

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Video – Into the City

December 10th, 2013 by

A video series we created mid 2013 filmed within the city of Melbourne with anyone that came out with me. Most of the time these would be our weekly Wednesday afternoon/evening sessions. At first i wanted to drop these more frequently but after I finished the trailer I knew I would get real into it and spend more time on each video. Below is the trailer and the first full video with the 2nd video to drop late January 2014.

We also have a running blog showcasing the sessions through photos right here

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Video – Daniel Johnson

December 1st, 2013 by

DJ would have to be the most productive rider I know, always down for a filming mission to get shit done. It’s not that he is overly hungry, he just seems to love getting clips and that works for me. This Division video we dropped earlier in 2013 is something we were both stoked on…

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Video – Alex Hiam

November 30th, 2013 by

We spent quite some time filming this, shot in Brisbane and Melbourne

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Video – Tom Stretton

November 22nd, 2013 by

Tom is one of the most amazing bike riders I know, such creative and dialed moves on a bike and always with a smile on his face (besides after a couple hours trying to film a clip with no luck) We filmed this video over a good part of 2013 for Colony and was really stoked on how it all came together. Troy Charlesworth shot the into clips for me on this.

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