
Point and Shoot 009

July 19th, 2015 by

More from Canada and the USA…



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Point and Shoot 008

July 12th, 2015 by

I am currently travelling around the USA and Canada for a month. Here are a few from the first few days…



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Point and Shoot 007

June 23rd, 2015 by

A little gap between posts from the Fuji as most of my images from the past couple weeks went here and here. But I’ve kept busy since the Canberra trip so here are some more recent images…



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Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens

June 20th, 2015 by

For a year or 2 now I’ve wanted to shoot the Alfred Nicholas Gardens but never found the time. This season I made time and went up with my good friend Daniel Johnson to shoot some stuff before we ventured out on this mission. Honestly it wasn’t as perfect as I imagined but we still got a few shots I was happy with… Also includes a few images form the drive there.



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Make them Suffer

June 14th, 2015 by

I hit up the Make them Suffer show at the Gasometer last night. All the bands were super good and MTS finished it off nicely. Here are some images I shot with the FujiX100S…



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Point and Shoot 006

May 27th, 2015 by

I am pretty fortunate with the lifestyle I live, it may not be for everyone but I love it. I spent most of the past week travelling and filming in Sydney with a few friends so that’s where most of these images are from. Along with a digging session and helping out on a little side project just before the trip.



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Point and Shoot 005

May 18th, 2015 by

It was a busy week and some of that time was spent outside which was great!



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