
Chelsea Grin / The Corner Hotel 14-8-15

August 16th, 2015 by

Some of us headed out to see Chelsea Grin and Boris the Blade on Friday night, shit got loose as expected. This was the first time I had actually focused more on shooting photos then going to watch the bands. Also the first time shooting with the Sony A7s in low light. Loving this, need to shoot more live music…



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Make them Suffer

June 14th, 2015 by

I hit up the Make them Suffer show at the Gasometer last night. All the bands were super good and MTS finished it off nicely. Here are some images I shot with the FujiX100S…



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Video – Outright, New Seeds

June 12th, 2015 by

Live clip of Outright at the Bendigo Hotel. Shot hand held on a Fuji X100S with no external Mic. I just wanted to try out the video on this camera and it worked pretty well in such low light.