
Rebirth / The Bendigo 6-11-15

November 17th, 2015 by

Every time I see Rebirth play I like them more and more…



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Mindsnare / The Bendigo 6-10-15

November 8th, 2015 by

Mindsnare was always going to be crazy to shoot. I posted up in the centre for once and although every second felt like I could lose my camera it was worth it! About halfway through I started focusing on the crown more than the band to try capture some different stuff. Getting everything super sharp wasn’t the easiest thing to do in the situation so I am sorry for that but I am still stoked on them…



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Thy Art is Murder / The Corner Hotel 16/10/15

October 26th, 2015 by

Album launch for Thy Art was brutal, loved it. Photos from the set…



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Lairapalooza – 17-10-15

October 20th, 2015 by

6 great bands in a space smaller than my garage is always going to be a good time. Massive thanks to the crew who put this on and the bands: Outright, Blinded, XLairX, Rebirth, Manhunt and Shackles.

Not using flashes was always going to make things interesting so yes my shots are a bit grainy and not the sharpest but does it really matter? This is hardcore. I just want to capture the good times…

If you want to see a tonne of photos from all 3 days Nicole Goodwin was on top of it…click here



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Video – Gorilla Biscuits “As One” – The Reverence 1-10-15

October 8th, 2015 by

GB killed it last week, clip I filmed on the A7s…

Code Orange / The Reverence 3-10-15

October 5th, 2015 by

Headed to the Reverence for a 2nd time this week to shoot a friends band so whilst I was at it I shot Code Orange. These guys put on a solid live show and thrash hard…



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Gorilla Biscuits / The Reverence 1-10-15

October 2nd, 2015 by

Gorilla Biscuits killed it last night at the Reverence, so much positive energy…



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