
The Fever Pop up at Randy’s Donuts

July 5th, 2017 by

The last day I am in LA and my good friend tells me there is a pop up punk show at the famous Randy’s Donuts spot not far from where we are staying. I shot a few images of the wild times. More info here.



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Hollow World – Bendigo Hotel – 25-3-17

March 26th, 2017 by

Deamon Pyre headed down to Melbourne again so I hit up the show to shoot, the Lighting was working pretty well for me so I shot a tonne. Hit more to see all the bands I was able to shoot…

All images shot on a Sony A7s

Hollow World



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Sanzu – The Tote – 13-1-17

January 14th, 2017 by

Last night I hit up The Tote to see Daemon Pyre play. I’ve never shot there before but it worked out really well. All the bands put on a great show…

All images shot on a Sony A7s.



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Graves – The Bendigo Hotel – 8-12-16

December 9th, 2016 by

Alpha Wolf, Cursed Earth, Justice for the Damned, Kublai Khan and Graves all thrashed it out nicely. Here’s a tonne of shots from the night…



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Mindsnare – The Bendigo Hotel – 2-12-16

December 3rd, 2016 by

Mindsnare, Born Free, Level and Join the Amish all smashed it last night. Mindsnare got wild as you would expect…



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Colossvs – The Bendigo Hotel – 29-9-16

September 30th, 2016 by

The lighting wasn’t the best last night but it was good to shoot a show again. Looking forward to another one soon. Images of Colossvs and In Trenches.



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Make them Suffer / The Evelyn 23-1-16

January 25th, 2016 by

Make them Suffer were on point as always. I’ve never shot at the Evelyn but the lighting was pretty good so I came up on some shots i was pretty stoked on…



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