

August 28th, 2012 by

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to head over to China for 10 days, a place I really had no intentions of ever going. This trip had plenty of ups and downs but one thing that I was so psyched on was being able to shoot plenty of photos. You could seriously venture around all day everyday and always come back with some very interesting shots. China has a very different lifestyle to home here in Melbourne. It sure was an eye opener, I hope you enjoy these shots…

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Melbourne – 001

April 23rd, 2012 by

Late last year I was very motivated to shoot natural light city shots so I took a few missions into town along with the times we were in there riding. Shooting these photos gave me as much pleasure as I get from shooting riding photos, if not more just because it was something I hadn’t played with much besides the odd random candid shot but I really enjoyed trying to capture the moment. Most of these were shot in December 2011.

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