
Alex Hiam

November 18th, 2014 by

Next in line for a retrospective is my good friend Alex Hiam. I’ve known Alex for what must be 8 years now? He may be one of the most amazing bike riders in the world but more importantly this kid has a real good attitude towards riding and just life in general. Here are some of my favourite photos shot with Alex dating back as far as 2007 when we did our first trip together all the way up to earlier this year.



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USA Trip 09/14 (PART 1)

October 6th, 2014 by

I spent the past month in the USA filming for various projects, whilst on my travels I tried to shoot as much as possible. Here are some of the shots I was stoked on from my travels…



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Zac Miner

August 8th, 2014 by

I’ve had the pleasure of shooting with Zac for many years now and I was thinking last night it would be cool to post up my favourite shots of him from the past 5 years or so. If you know Zac you know he is loose on and off the bike. Hopefuly we get to shoot for many years to come my friend…



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People – Gallery #2

July 14th, 2014 by

More images of some friends along with random interesting people around the world…


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Victorian fog

June 8th, 2014 by

When I head north the first couple hours of my drive are through the north-east region of Victoria and I’ve always wanted to shoot some of the landscapes along the way. Being the start of winter I knew there was a good chance of early morning fog so I made the venture in hopes to catch such fog. Mother nature was on my side and I scored some treats along the way, hope you enjoy…


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Mt Dandenong

May 29th, 2014 by

I got up early with my girlfriend and headed up to Mt Dandenong in Victoria and trekked around a few paths within the RJ Hamer Arboretum and these are my favourite shots from the journey.


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Sunsets and Golden Hour

May 7th, 2014 by

Everyone loves shooting a golden hour shot even just on your IPhone. I am a sucker for them and have collected quite a few shots over the years. Here are a few of my favourites…

Huntington Beach – California

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