
Melbourne – August 2016

October 30th, 2016 by

I’ve been a little behind posting the monthly Melbourne galleries but here is August’s favourites…



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Gorilla Biscuits / The Reverence 1-10-15

October 2nd, 2015 by

Gorilla Biscuits killed it last night at the Reverence, so much positive energy…



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Chelsea Grin / The Corner Hotel 14-8-15

August 16th, 2015 by

Some of us headed out to see Chelsea Grin and Boris the Blade on Friday night, shit got loose as expected. This was the first time I had actually focused more on shooting photos then going to watch the bands. Also the first time shooting with the Sony A7s in low light. Loving this, need to shoot more live music…



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Travel Life – Marysville

May 13th, 2015 by

When my good friend Daniel Johnson mentioned he was heading out early morning in the hunt of possible snow an hour from our homes I had to be in on the mission as I’ve never really been around snow let alone shot it. We ended up getting really lucky at the second location which was near Marysville in Victoria. We could see snow on the top of the mountain as we got close and as soon as we stopped driving it started snowing even more. We ran around shooting as much as possible and even caught a few minutes of blue sky so we tried to make the most of it all. I have placed them in the order they were shot to show the change in weather conditions.

I also now have an online store where you can order any image I have shot and have it sent printed on high quality museum grade paper. Hit this link to check that out.



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Chinese New Year in Docklands

February 22nd, 2015 by

I spent a little time shooting the dragon that is currently being displayed in the heart of Docklands, Melbourne right now. It’s a pretty epic sight to see, for anyone interested I think it’s still up for a another week.



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Parramatta Balloons

January 30th, 2015 by

I was up in Sydney last week for a few days and on Australia day a few of us got up at 5.30 in the morning to go and shoot the hot air balloons. Unfortunately the weather was average so they didn’t take off but it worked out pretty good anyway. I’ve really been into shooting people enjoying like and the things around them. Hopefully that comes across in these images…



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Wineries (part 1)

December 28th, 2014 by

Anyone that knows me would know that I don’t drink or do any type of drugs so visiting a few wineries today for my girlfriend’s birthday wasn’t my ideal place to spend a sunny day but once I got to the first location I knew I would be able to spend it shooting photos of the beautiful places and some of my family enjoying the day out…



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