
(more) Docklands Ferris Wheel

December 1st, 2014 by

I tend to shoot this thing a bit, I told myself I was going to stop doing it, but then I came up on this angle and had to give it a shot. Pretty happy with how these came out.




November 26th, 2014 by

Few shots of Melbourne from the past couple months…



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USA Trip 09/14 (PART 1)

October 6th, 2014 by

I spent the past month in the USA filming for various projects, whilst on my travels I tried to shoot as much as possible. Here are some of the shots I was stoked on from my travels…



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Hosier Lane

August 6th, 2014 by

I’ve never really checked out much of Hosier Lane so last night on my travels I shot a few photos of the amazing spot. I was real stoked when we came up on the rooftop angle…


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Sunsets and Golden Hour

May 7th, 2014 by

Everyone loves shooting a golden hour shot even just on your IPhone. I am a sucker for them and have collected quite a few shots over the years. Here are a few of my favourites…

Huntington Beach – California

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From the back seat

February 20th, 2014 by

I love shooting photos from a moving car, it’s not often I am a passenger in a car but when I am and it’s in a new city I will try make the most of it. A few months back on a trip around California I drove around the city with my friend Chris Bracamonte and shot these random photos heading to different spots we were riding.

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Video – Into the City

December 10th, 2013 by

A video series we created mid 2013 filmed within the city of Melbourne with anyone that came out with me. Most of the time these would be our weekly Wednesday afternoon/evening sessions. At first i wanted to drop these more frequently but after I finished the trailer I knew I would get real into it and spend more time on each video. Below is the trailer and the first full video with the 2nd video to drop late January 2014.

We also have a running blog showcasing the sessions through photos right here

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