
Melbourne – April 2016

April 8th, 2016 by

Over the past couple weeks I have ventured into the city with Daniel Johnson a few times and spent some time just walking around with cameras in hand on a mission to shoot anything in front of us. We shot a bunch of timelapse as well but for now here are my favourite shots from the nights out…

I also recently created a new Instagram purely for my photography work, feel free to follow it if you’re interested in more shots: @travelxlife



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Point and Shoot 009

July 19th, 2015 by

More from Canada and the USA…



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Travel Life 006

May 31st, 2015 by

I got to spend an hour out at Vivid Sydney last week whilst on a trip. I didn’t get to see or spend as much time there as I wanted but it was still good fun shooting a few images where I could.



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Point and Shoot 003

April 30th, 2015 by

Few images from the past week shot with the Fuji X100S…



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Travel Life 005

March 19th, 2015 by

I’ve been over in California for 3 weeks now shooting. Here are a few images from the trip so far…

Nathan Sykes making the most of a nothing spot in a great location.

Orange Cove felt like we were in the middle of nowhere but they had a great park to ride and golden sunsets.

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Chinese New Year in Docklands

February 22nd, 2015 by

I spent a little time shooting the dragon that is currently being displayed in the heart of Docklands, Melbourne right now. It’s a pretty epic sight to see, for anyone interested I think it’s still up for a another week.



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Recents 001

February 15th, 2015 by

An assortment of photos taken over the past few weeks…

Docklands, Melbourne.

Bondi Beach.

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