(more) Docklands Ferris Wheel

December 1st, 2014 by

I tend to shoot this thing a bit, I told myself I was going to stop doing it, but then I came up on this angle and had to give it a shot. Pretty happy with how these came out.



USA Trip 09/14 (PART 2)

November 30th, 2014 by

Part two from a trip to the USA back in September…



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November 26th, 2014 by

Few shots of Melbourne from the past couple months…



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In search of snow.

November 25th, 2014 by

I need to just post photos as I shoot them now I think. Otherwise I tend to forget what I’ve shot and then they never see the light of day. I shot these photos back in August whilst chasing snow on Mt Dandenong with my girlfriend…



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Alex Hiam

November 18th, 2014 by

Next in line for a retrospective is my good friend Alex Hiam. I’ve known Alex for what must be 8 years now? He may be one of the most amazing bike riders in the world but more importantly this kid has a real good attitude towards riding and just life in general. Here are some of my favourite photos shot with Alex dating back as far as 2007 when we did our first trip together all the way up to earlier this year.



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Polly & Finnigan

November 6th, 2014 by

Both Chris Finnigan and Polly are pretty loose characters on there own so when they got together on the weekend it was next level. To quote Polly here “It was the 5 minutes where nothing else mattered in the world besides Chris and polly”…



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Video – Daniel Johnson

October 10th, 2014 by

The Division Project was something I spent a lot of time on and Daniel Johnson’s was the first section to drop online a couple weeks ago. Make sure you watch in HD.