Travel life – 005

April 10th, 2015 by

I spent the day driving to Bright yesterday and came back with a good amount of photos I was stoked on. It kind of went how i figured it would where you actually don’t shoot any photos in the destination town, it was all about the adventure…



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Disposable – California

March 31st, 2015 by

I just got back from a month in California and figured I would grab some disposable camera’s to use as point and shoots whilst on the fly. Here is 4 weeks of my life wrapped up in some sketchy but memorable photos…



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Travel Life 005

March 19th, 2015 by

I’ve been over in California for 3 weeks now shooting. Here are a few images from the trip so far…

Nathan Sykes making the most of a nothing spot in a great location.

Orange Cove felt like we were in the middle of nowhere but they had a great park to ride and golden sunsets.

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Video – Luke Parker

March 17th, 2015 by

Luke Parker lives fairly close to me so working on a video project can be a lot easier then others at times and it was definitely a benefit with this one that we filmed at a few of our local parks. No deadlines we just filmed whenever Luke was in the mood and the light was good. Stoked on the lighting in all the clips (besides the last one) and Luke kills it on a bike so he helps a lot with the final product…

Chinese New Year in Docklands

February 22nd, 2015 by

I spent a little time shooting the dragon that is currently being displayed in the heart of Docklands, Melbourne right now. It’s a pretty epic sight to see, for anyone interested I think it’s still up for a another week.



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Recents 001

February 15th, 2015 by

An assortment of photos taken over the past few weeks…

Docklands, Melbourne.

Bondi Beach.

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Parramatta Balloons

January 30th, 2015 by

I was up in Sydney last week for a few days and on Australia day a few of us got up at 5.30 in the morning to go and shoot the hot air balloons. Unfortunately the weather was average so they didn’t take off but it worked out pretty good anyway. I’ve really been into shooting people enjoying like and the things around them. Hopefully that comes across in these images…



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